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Film preview and Q&A: Gwledd (The Feast)
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Film preview and Q&A: Gwledd (The Feast)

  • Calendar icon Wed 10 Aug 2022, 6:00pm
  • Map pin icon Cinema 1, Chapter

Q&A with director Lee Haven Jones, writer Roger Williams and cast Nia Roberts. Hosted by Claire Vaughan

Please Login to your account by clicking the button below in order to book tickets to this event.

When a wealthy family and their guests gather for a dinner party in the remote Welsh countryside, they have little idea of what awaits them. The arrival of a mysterious young woman who has been hired as a waitress brings a quiet, unsettling presence to the evening. As the night progresses, she soon begins to challenge the family’s beliefs, unravelling the illusion they have created with slow, deliberate, and terrifying consequences. A feature debut from Lee Haven Jones.

Holi ac Ateb gyda’r cyfarwyddwr Lee Haven Jones, ysgrifennydd Roger Williams a'r actores Nia RobertsGyda Claire Vaughan yn cadeirio 

Pan fydd teulu cyfoethog a'u gwesteion yn ymgynnull am barti cinio yng nghefn gwlad anghysbell Cymru, nid oes ganddynt fawr o syniad o'r hyn sy'n aros amdanynt. Mae dyfodiad menyw ifanc ddirgel sydd wedi cael ei hurio fel gweinyddes yn dod â phresenoldeb tawel, annifyr i'r noson. Ac wrth i'r nos fynd yn ei blaen, mae hi'n dechrau herio credoau'r teulu, gan ddadwneud y camargraff y maent wedi'i chreu gyda chanlyniadau araf, bwriadol a dychrynllyd. Ymddangosiad cyntaf gan Lee Haven Jones.


For the latest venue guidance, please see here. If you have any questions, please contact us here.

I gael y canllawiau lleoliad diweddaraf, gweler yma. Os oes gennych unrhyw gwestiynau, cysylltwch â ni yma.

Accessibility / Hygyrchedd

BAFTA is an arts charity that is open and welcoming to everyone. This means we want every experience to be as enjoyable and comfortable as possible.

Public concession price available for students, over 60s, registered unemployed and disabled. Please email us here to book.

Accompanying assistants, carers or companions can attend free of charge. Please email us here ahead of the event to book this complimentary ticket.

If you are attending one of our events and have access requirements please email us here with as much notice as possible to discuss these with us.

Mae BAFTA yn elusen gelfyddydol sy’n agored ac yn groesawgar i bawb. Mae hyn yn golygu ein bod am i bob profiad fod mor bleserus a chyfforddus â phosibl.

Os ydych yn mynychu un o'n digwyddiadau a bod gennych ofynion mynediad, anfonwch e-bost atom yma gan roi cymaint o rybudd â phosibl i drafod y rhain gyda ni.

Gall cynorthwywyr, gofalwyr neu gymdeithion sy'n mynd gyda hwy fynychu am ddim. Anfonwch e-bost atom yma cyn y digwyddiad i archebu'r tocyn rhad ac am ddim hwn.


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Accessibility | Hygyrchedd

BAFTA is an arts charity that is open and welcoming to everyone. This means we want every experience to be as enjoyable and comfortable as possible.

  • If you are attending one of our events in Wales and have access requirements, then please email Cymru@bafta.org with as much notice as possible to discuss these with us.
  • If you would prefer to speak to someone over the phone to discuss access requirements, please call our dedicated reception team on 02920 223 898.
  • If you are a wheelchair user then please email Cymru@bafta.org to book your space alongside any accompanying guest(s), with as much notice as possible.
  • If you require BSL translation, please email Cymru@bafta.org to request this with as much notice as possible.
  • If you are visually impaired and require seats in the front row, please email Cymru@bafta.org to book your space alongside any accompanying guest(s), with as much notice as possible.
  • If you require additional leg room, please email Cymru@bafta.org to book a space in the front, where additional leg room is available.
  • Accompanying assistants, carers or companions can attend free of charge. Please email Cymru@bafta.org ahead of the event to book this complimentary ticket.
  • Please find a details of access at Chapter HERE

Mae BAFTA yn elusen gelfyddydol sy’n agored ac yn groesawgar i bawb. Mae hyn yn golygu ein bod am i bob profiad fod mor bleserus a chyfforddus â phosibl.

  • Os ydych yn mynychu un o'n digwyddiadau yng Nghymru a bod gennych ofynion mynediad, anfonwch e-bost i Cymru@bafta.org gan roi cymaint o rybudd â phosibl i drafod y rhain gyda ni.
  • Os bydd gwell gennych chi i siarad â rhywun dros y ffon i drafod eich gofynion mynediad, galwch ein tîm derbynfa os gwelwch yn dda ar 02920 223 898.
  • Os yr ydych yn defnyddio cadair olwyn cysylltwch â Cymru@bafta.org i archebu lle ar bwys rhywun penodol, gan roi cymaint o rybudd â phosibl.
  • Os yr ydych angen dehongliad BSL, e-bostiwch Cymru@bafta.org i fanteisio ar hyn gan roi cymaint o rybudd â phosibl.
  • Os oes gennych chi nam ar y golwg ac angen seddi yn y llinell blaen, e-bostiwch Cymru@bafta.org i archebu’ch lle gan roi cymaint o rybudd â phosibl os gwelwch yn dda.
  • Os yr ydych chi angen gwagle ychwanegol i’ch coesau, e-bostiwch Cymru@bafta.org i archebu lle yn y blaen os gwelwch yn dda, lle mae gwagle ychwanegol ar gael.
  • Gall unrhyw ofalwyr a chynorthwyydd mynychu’r digwyddiad am ddim. E-bostiwch Cymru@bafta.org cyn y digwyddiad i archebu’r tocyn am ddim os gwelwch yn dda.
  • Ffeindiwch fanylion yng nghlun a mynediad yn Chapter FAN HYN

Getting to the Venue | Cyrraedd y Lleoliad

Free parking is available at the back of the Arts Centre.

The closest bus stop to the venue is Canton Police Station. (140m away from the venue)

The closest train station is Ninian Park. (800m away from the venue) 


Mae parcio am ddim tu ôl i’r Ganolfan Gelfyddydau.

Yr orsaf fysiau agosaf i’r safle yw Gorsaf Heddlu Treganna. (140m o’r safle)

Yr orsaf drenau agosaf yw Parc Ninian. (800m o’r safle)